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Language: EnglishDeutsch

Hacking is the main constituent of Hackerplace.de.
If a computer is on and on the internet and has the software Hacker-Tool you can do hacks with this computer. At the console you can type in commands like they are in the command promt to load viruses at other computers.

required software

There are 5 types of viruses you can create in the file-manager. Each one has its own function. How many viruses you can create depends on the level of construction kit.
The relation between Hacker-Tool and AntiVirus decides how many viruses were deleted in one calculation-round. If the AntiVirus higher than Hacker-Tool the number of files and the upload speed decides on the success of the attack.
Anonym-Online and IP-Detector have no effect on the success of an attack. However a superior IP-Detector detect the attacker and you can make a criminal complaint.

Two other programs who have influence at the hacking process are the Firewall and the BotNet-Connector . With the Firewall you can manually block the viruses of the attacker. With the Botnet-Connector you can use files from other computers in the BotNet to start an attack.

Functions and valence of the files

The more they cost, the higher the attack-strengt.


filesize: 10 MB
price: 700 Credits
name of attack: transferMoney
used to: Transfer money to your own bank account.


filesize: 70 MB
price: 850 Credits
name of attack: kill process / kill virus
used to: Deletes certain number of files or levels of software.


filesize: 100 MB
price: 1000 Credits
name of attack: scan host / block host|process
used to: Spy other computers or block the whole computer or some programs.


filesize: 50 MB
price: 800 Credits
name of attack: shutdown host
used to: Shutdown the enemys computer.


filesize: 80 MB
price: 900 Credits
name of attack: botNet add/disable
used to: Add the enemys computer to your BotNet or disables the enemys BotNet.

steal money

To steal money from other users you need WorMi files. The more files are used at the attack the more money can be transfered. The upper limit is set by the online banking of both computers.

expiration of a transfermoney attack

  1. connect 128.0.xxx.yyy (IP)
  2. transfermoney
  3. upload [number of files]
  4. ok

expiration of a smash attack

  1. connect 128.0.xxx.yyy (IP)
  2. [NOTE: First you should create a spy-report (scan host) of the enemys computer to find out what software is installed]
  3. killprocess [HT][AV][AO][ID] (for example: killprocess av -> delete some levels of AntiVirus)
  4. upload [number of files]
  5. ok

Newbie protection

1. week after registration

  • All actions take only 25% of the usual time.
  • User cant be attacked.
  • List of the three smallest Bots at the overviwe-site.

2. week after registration

  • All actions take only 50% of the usual time.
  • User cant be attacked.
  • List of the three smallest Bots at the overviwe-site.

3. week after registration

  • All actions take only 75% of the usual time.
  • User can only be attacked by other users in newbie-protection.
  • List of the three smallest Bots at the overviwe-site.

4. week after registration

  • User can only be attacked by other users in newbie-protection.
  • List of the three smallest Bots at the overviwe-site.


Attention In case of a clan-war the newbie-protection disappears!!!


To spread attacks on all players there is the bash-protection. Every user can be attacked 7 times in 24 hours and 3 times by one player in 24 hours. If there is a clan-war this values are increased to 10 and 5.
Note: A spy-attack is possible at every time. This type of attack doesn't count on the bash-protection.

Language: EnglishDeutsch