Revision as of 10:50, 20 February 2016 by Freaky-Boy (talk | contribs)
Here you see the newest News about Hackerplace.de. More Changes can be read in the Forum Thread.
Here you find Infos about your Account and the Game itself:
- Stockchange of the last Hour (Requires: Stock-Manager Level 5)
- When you last logged in and from what IP. This helps you find out if someone has been playing under your Name.
- A Report if you didn't logout on your last Visit. You should do that, for your Security.
- Downloads ready to install on an online Computer.
- Running Downloads
- Possibly a Notification about a running Upgrade. You see the Endtime, Property and Method of the Upgrade.
Here you see how many Attacks you did in total, how many percent of those where successfull and how many Credits you already stole.