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How to get Points

You get Points for installed Hardware and Software, where the Values depend on the Price. Each 1.000 Credits your PC's cost, you gain a Point. The Points are shown rounded, but are safed with their Commas.


1. Buy: Mini-ATX for 12.589 Credits -> 12 Points
2. Buy: Power-Supply GS300 for 90.590 Credits -> 90 Points
Both together have a Value of 103 Points.


Like a User, Clans have Points and a Place on the Ranking too. The Clanpoints are the Sum of the Userpoints and the Value "Points/User" is the average score of Points a User in this Clan has.

When will the Points be refreshed

The Points and the Ranking get refreshed every full hour. This process can take a little bit, depending on the Serverperformance. So the Values won't change instanly with the Hourchange.

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