Financial investment

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Language: EnglishDeutsch

You can invest your money in the bank. How much interest you will get depends on the minimum term and the actual standing of the stock market. On the beginning you can only invest 50.000 credits. Each 2.000 points this increases by 5.000 credits. You can only withdraw the invested money after the period has ended.


You get ineterest on your financial investment per day. If you take only 1 credit of this investment you won't get any interest anymore. There is no interest on the interest.

Profit example

As example: You interested 50.000 credits for 30 days for an interest rate of 5,0%.
In these 30 days, you will get the 5% interest rate on your 50.000 credits. That would be 2.500 credits per day.
If you get 2.500 credits per day, after 30 days you will have a win rate of 75.000 credits.
So if you dispense 50.000 credits for 30 days, you will win additional 75.000 credits.
You will get back (50.000 + 75.000 =) 125.000 credits.

Attention: You can only have 10 invests at the same time.

Language: EnglishDeutsch