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⧼mobile-frontend-diffview-bytesadded⧽ ,  11:10, 20 February 2016
This short Tutorial's point is to help you Newbie to get into Hackerplace easier.

== Upgrade Account Capacity ==
Click on "Bank" and in the Sub-Page "Income/Account" increase the Capacity of your Account -> "Upgrade".<br>
Because your Account is empty by now, just go to the Bank-Overview und take that Check, you got for your Start.<br>
Don't worry, you can only pay out 50.000. The Rest stays in the Check.<br>
Later on for buying Hardware, you'll need that Check for some more times.

== Buy Hardware ==
Now follows the Part all Creators have been waiting for.<br>
We build a virtual PC together.<br>
Therefor we need to buy the Parts.<br>
This goes on "Market" and then on "Shop".<br>
Now you have all the Sub-Pages to buy the Parts.<br>
(Following Combination is recomended to make the best Start):
*Let's begin with the Housing:
*The Power-Supply:
**Power-Supply GS 200
*Our Mainboard:
*The Memory (RAM):
**2x SD-RAM 128MB
*The Processor:
**Solo-Core 1000MHz
*And as Storage:
**A 80GB-Modell

== Computer Construction ==
Now where we have all the needen Parts, we can construct a Computer.<br>
Therefor we click on "Computer", then "Construct new PC".<br>
Now click "Change" on all empty Fields and select the fitting Hardware-Piece.<br>
After you built in all Parts in your Computer, don't forget to save the configuration.

== Operating System installation ==
At last select a fitting Operating System - "Operating System: No OS - change"<br>
Please note at the selection of the OS, that some sort of Compatibility or also Upgrade-possiblity should/must be there. A Doors-System with Software installed, can't change to Unix without formatting the Computer.<br>
And now the first Steps in Hackerplace are done and you can feel free to play around in the Remote Desktop.
Further Steps and/or detailed Hints are in the [http://en.wiki.hackerplace.de/index.php/Category:Overview Wiki-Overview].

== Ordering Internet ==
To start hacking, you need Internet of course, which can be ordered in the Computeroverview under the link "Rename / Internet / Delete". On "Internet" the Link "change" pressed, you can select "28k" to start with and press "Order".<br>
Now the Internet can be used for Downlods, Onlinetraining and later to hack.

== Increase Income ==
The most important thing on the Start is to increase your daily Income.<br>
Just click "Bank", then go to the Sub-Menu "Income/Account" and you already see your personal Income with Level, Economy-Income and Costs, as well as Job and the possibility to upgrade and increase your Capacity.<br>
First make Web Based Training [Online] Upgrade for your Income.<br>
With this your Income-Level already increases to 5.<br>
You now should go online like every 8 Hours to increase your Income more. But be aware of the [[Noob-Protection]].

== Further Links ==
Because you now found the first Steps to the Game, you should inform yourself about the following Parts of the Game:
* [[Noob-Protection]]
* [[:Category:Clan|Clans]]
* [[:Category:Computer|Computers]]
* [[Target]]


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