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⧼mobile-frontend-diffview-bytesadded⧽ ,  11:28, 20 February 2016
Target of the Game is, to gather [[Points]]. You gain [[Points]] for Hard- and Software, 1 [[Points|Point]]/1.000 Credits.<br>
More Informations you can find on [[Points]].<br>

To compare yourself with other players there is the [[Ranking]]. At the beginning, you are of course not the best player, but if you [[Hacking|hack]] active and [[Download Manager|download]] programms, you go up more.<br>

To gain more [[Points]] faster, you can choose a [[Jobs|Job]] at 1.000 [[Points]]. Depending on which you choose, some software or hardware can get a lower price.
The salesman gets all hard- and software 25% off. That means, for 1 [[Points|Point]] he only needs to use 750 Credits instead of 1.000.<br>
For more check out [[Jobs]].<br>

To gather Credits there are multiple possibilities:
* Upgrade [[Income/Account#Income|Income]] or [[Income/Account#Upgrade-Levels|Economy]]
* [[Hacking|Hack]]! (with a [[Datei-Manager#Start-Attack|transferMoney]] Attack)
* [[facilities]]
* The [[Stock]] or [[Clan-Stock]] ('''Note:''' You can also loose Money here!)
* [[Options#REFLINK|Advertised]] Users, as soon as they get 2.000 [[Points]]


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