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⧼mobile-frontend-diffview-bytesadded⧽ ,  13:28, 2 August 2017
{{Languages|[[:de:BotNet Connector|Deutsch]]}}

BotNet-Connector allows you to use the BotNet.
* From level 3 you can provide the BotNet for your own or an allied clan.
* From level 5 you can create your own BotNet.<br>
The maximum level is '''5'''.

== Minimum requirements ==
* [[Processor]] (CPU): 3.000 MHz<br />
* [[Memory]] (RAM): 512 MB<br />
* [[System Manager]]: Level 25.0

== Create a BotNet ==
If there is BotNet-Connector level 5.0 installed at your computer you can connect with other computers that have installed BotNet-Connector.
To connect computers to a BotNet you have to add other computers with the command "BotNet add". Usally a big BotNet is an advantage over a small BotNet.
The upload-speed of an BotNet-attack is sized at the computer with the slowest internet-connection of all computers in the BotNet.
If you add a computer to your BotNet your computer isnt automaticly in the BotNet of the computer you added.
A computer stay connected with the BotNet of an other computer until one of the BotNet-Connectors are turned off.
Shutdown a computer dont disconnect him from the BotNet but while he is shut down he cant be used to do an attack.

== Use the BotNet ==
Once in 24 hours you can increase your attack-strength by the BotNet-files. The exact calculation will not be published but it is well known that every computer in the BotNet can only provide a maximum number of files wich are depend on the number of files from the attacking computer. Every computer in the BotNet brings his Hacker-Tool in proportionately. By the enormous number of files a good equipped BotNet can break almost every defence. If your Anonym-Online isn high enough you can be detected and can obtain a criminal complaint.

== Hazards ==
If you left your computer on with swithed on BotNet-Connector you can be added to a BotNet.
That means: If a user add you to his BotNet and attacks somebody and you get detected you can get a criminal complaint althought you dont did an attack.

== Coasts ==
Like every other program the coats are rising with every new level.
The coasts can be lowered by the jobs salesman (25%) or IT-Systemmanager (10%). Nevertheless the point calculation happens with the normal prices.

{{Languages|[[:de:BotNet Connector|Deutsch]]}}
[[de:BotNet Connector]]

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